Data related to Experiment 2 1) The folder DATA contains preprocessed data: - The folder 'behav' contains the trial information for each participant. Each file represents an experimental block. - The folder 'EEG' contains the individual participant N2pc data. The .set files are readable by EEGlab and contain all electrodes. The .mat files also contain the N2pc values averaged across the 189-315 ms interval, and the one _for_MRI additionally contains the trial indices, which enable to link each EEG trial to the corresponding MRI trial - The folder 'MRI' contains the beta values outputted by GLMsingle. Each file corresponds to a trial. MRI masks used in the shared scripts are also in this folder. 2) Scripts: -2.1 EEG folder: Contains the scripts that performs the category decoding across time of the EEG signal only (Fig. 2f). -2.2 MRI folder: Contains the scripts that performs the 4-fold cross-validation decoding of the fMRI data only (Fig. 5) -2.3 EEG_MRI folder: Contains the scripts that correlate EEG-derived and fMRI-derived data. --2.3.1 categoryInfo_vs_N2pc subfolder: Contains the scripts that perform the decoding accuracy vs N2pc correlation (Fig. 6). The ROI_timecourse subsubfolder generates the timecourse for each ROI. --2.3.2 voxel_vs_N2pc subfolder: Contains the scripts that perform the univariate voxel activate vs N2pc correlation (Fig. 7). The ROI_timecourse subsubfolder generates the timecourse for each ROI. 3) Results: - 3.1 I1bis_searchlight_class_189_315_alldat: Contains the output from the scripts in 2.3.1. The subfolder result_N2pc_Tlat_accT also contains the ROIs used for the timecourse analysis (note that ROI names may be distinct from the paper, as these were placeholder names). - 3.2 A1_MRI_univariate_EEG_189_315_correlation: Contains the output from the scripts in 2.3.2. The subfolder result_N2pc_Tlat also contains the ROIs used for the timecourse analysis (note that ROI names may be distinct from the paper, as these were placeholder names).