## Grant Number: > RL-2016-001 ## Sponsor: > Leverhulme Trust ## Project title: > Out of Our Minds ## Publication: > On the learnability of aspectual usage ## File description and list: The file (`answers`) is provided in 2 formats (`*.rda` and `*.csv`), and contains the data for the main statistical models used to test 3 distinct sets of learning predictors based on: lemmata, aspectual co-occurrences, or abstract aspectual labels. The code files for statistical analysis can be downloaded from the GitHub repository at [https://github.com/ooominds/LearnabilityOfAspectualUsage/](https://github.com/ooominds/LearnabilityOfAspectualUsage/). Item data is contained in the `Materials` file provided in `*.docx` and `*.xlsx` formats.