## Grant Number: > RL-2016-001 ## Sponsor: > Leverhulme Trust ## Project title: > Out of Our Minds ## Publication: > A learning perspective on the emergence of abstractions: > The curious case of phone(me)s ## File description and list: There are 11 data files in two formats (`*.csv` and `*.rda`), archived as: `csv.zip` and `rda.zip`, respectively. + Data file to run the main Bayesian model `brmdat` + Confusion matrices for three learning algorithms (Memory-Based Learing, MBL; Widrow-Hoff, WH; Temporal Difference, TD) and three datasets (Raw, Random, Gaussian) `mbl_raw` `mbl_rand` `mbl_gauss` `wh_raw` `wh_rand` `wh_gauss` `td_raw` `td_rand` `td_gauss` + Matrix of theoretical phone features (e.g., sonorant, syllabic, nasal, long) which could be either present (1), absent (-1), or irrelevant (0) for each given phone `features` Additionally, there are two Appendices as `*.pdf` files: + Formal details of the algorithms `Appendix A` + Additional cluster analysis dendrograms `Appendix B`