Data in support of river temperature modelling study of Girnock Burn, Scotland. Contains 3x zip archives: Contains structure-from-motion derived DSM, DTM and tree height model for lower Girnock Burn, Scotland. Also includes orthophoto of study area. River_temperature_model: Contains two river temperature models for Girnock Burn - one parameterised with the SfM tree height data, and one with no tree heights. Model contains all meteorological, flow and temperature boundary data needed to run. See 'notes.txt' for further explanation. Contains Excel spreadsheets giving observations from automated weather stations (AWSs) installed in Girnock Burn and used to parameterise stream temperature model. Also contains discharge observations and records from temperature loggers used to assess performance of river temperature model. Also contains contains total station measurements used to assess accuracy of SfM-derived canopy elevations (extracted from DSM). Site_coordinates.xlsx gives coordinates (in OSGB format) of all temperature loggers, weather stations and discharge gauge.