Joined images of each of the 89 original pages of the palimpsest Codex Zacynthius (Cambridge, University Library, MS Add. 10062, GA 040) created by the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library for the Codex Zacynthius Project. These JPG files have been reduced in size from the original TIFF files. The raw data files are also available (51 images for each page) at The original files were processed by Easton, Knox and Phelps, resulting in these images known as 'triples'. The individual pages were then combined by Fedeli in order to recreate the original manuscript. The filenames give the page number of the undertext in Arabic numerals and Roman numerals (as used by the project), followed by the two page numbers of the modern manuscript. This information is also present on the original images. A concordance and table of contents is also available online, along with full XML transcriptions of each page.